Sunday, August 1, 2010

he called!

got our first phone call from mark! yay! :) tho he had to call 3 times cause apparently our phone calls were getting intercepted or some shit like that, so he couldn't tell me much over the phone except that he's doing ok so far, trying to stay away from the *PX so he wouldn't spend so much on stupid stuff & that the place smells like shit (so far all our conversations since he's been there, the smell has been mentioned every single time, so, Im assuming the smell is def a huge issue!) they will be leaving tho, I don't know when or where but they will. It was really nice to hear from him, anytime he is away it's always nice to hear from him, even if it's for 5 mins. You know sometimes I just want to let everyone know whats going on, what he's doin but I'm afraid some army swat team might just bust into the house & take me to jail for *OPSEC stuff, I sometimes wonder if I should say his name! lol, No, I don't know anything that would get me in trouble for just knowing, my husband doesn't tell & I'm glad he doesn't..I mean hello! Wikileaks scandal! hahaha..(its not funny tho, that army *SPC who leaked out all those military files should be on death row! how dare he put our soldiers & their allies at risk!) ...sheesh anywaysss...I'm goin to bed. lol.
Peace & Love!!

*PX : Post Exchange - military mall, you can find almost everything there, salon, barbershop, food court, clothing, household, electronics, etc, etc, etc,..all tax free!

*OPSEC : Operations Security - critical info that may be useful to the keep your trap shut or Uncle Sam will be very mad with you!

*SPC : Specialist - Enlisted soldiers rank in the army, E-4, the last bitch rank before or if you become an NCO (Non Commissioned Officer)

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