Sunday, August 1, 2010

Its been 1 week!

1 week ago, we were on post saying goodbye to him, and it seems like he's been gone FO-EVAH! but we've been surviving (both us & him) I can tell you he's finally in Afghan, not exactly where they are supposed to be based at but they're in the country, and so far he's said Afghan smells like shit! lol like literally smells like shit! poor guy ay. He hasn't kept in touch much since he arrived there, their internet is terribly slow & they're only given 30mins so with all that we hardly get to talk or skype at all but its ok though, as long as I know he is alive & kickin that's enough for me & my girls. Myself & the girls have been tryin to keep busy, today we spent the whole afternoon at Itz buffet & game place, kids had a blast & we stuffed ourselves up gooood! lol..& if you're a regular visitor 2 my blog you will notice little changes here & there & I hope you're jammin out to my playlist! Flo-ridas song 'club cant handle me' totally reminds me of mark, not in a sad way, it make me smile cause as soon as I hear it, I automatically picture him fist pumping & dancing away! lol I also have a friend whose husband also deployed with mark & we've been doing a lot of activities together with the kids & it really is nice to have someone else in the same situation this time around, it's def easier to talk to them about deployment & army stuff esp when you don't have to explain army lingo plus the kids have playdates! I'm just thinking ok, that's 1 wk down, 51 left, is that a lot? It doesn't look like but I know it feels like! some wives I heard count by paydays, but that doubles the numbers so no thanks I'll stick to 51 wks or 11.something months! anyways today was fun for the kids, Mady randomnly asks for her dad, & usually answers her own question by sayin 'Daddys gone now' really is heartbreaking but to see her face when he comes home! PRICELESS!

Peace & Love!!

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