Sunday, August 22, 2010

that damn show!!!

..just a quick note, as i had left off in the previous entry..the husband did come around, everythings back to where it was..not perfect but not horrible. like they say love prevails (or was it goodness prevails..ahh whatever same difference) anyway, that dam show, ARMY WIVES!!! tonight was the season finale, I'll admit I'm not the army wife that follows that show & have coffee the next morning with the other wives talking about 'OMG did u see what he did' etc etc etc..I've probably watched only 3 or 4 episodes & am completely clueless when I'm asked about it & sometimes i get that raised eyebrow look like 'how can u NOT watch that show?!!'..ahh simple i am an army wife, do you like watching portrayals of what your life is about..maybe i should love myself more? lol but since I don't want to be behind the crowd, I did ask another wife for her DVDs of the previous seasons, she has em all! no surprise lol ..i know I'm not the only one they're all out there! why i don't like watching the show? because its dam painful, i mean civilian wives can watch & be like 'aww that's so sad' I'll watch & be like 'WTF my husband needs to come back!!!" its just painful to watch the what ifs & what wills esp when my husband is actually know the scenes they play makes u think 'shit that better not happen to me! and it brings out all these emotions as if what happens on TV will happen to you..& I think about the wives & families who lost their loved ones that has to take a huge toll on them, i know it would on myself..but they do have those awesome scenes like homecoming or being saved from the bad guys that makes you want to jump & shout 'HOOAH!' even that brings tears because then we think..hey in a couple of months that's going to be me & my kids welcoming back our soldier..and unless you've had a loved one deployed there is no words to describe the feeling of that day, its like the best orgasm EVER! (that literally happens too a bit later on, wink! wink!) lol ..don't get me wrong, I am not hating on that show, I know once i start watching them from the beginning, I'll be a yellow ribbon wearing flag waving army wife by the end of it lol, they just portray a lot of scenes so many of us can relate to it brings out a lot of emotion, a lot of sadness, a lot of fear, a lot of anxiety & of course a lot of hope & happiness! Peace & Love!

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